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Showing posts from May, 2017

Me Myself and I

Ga papa sih iseng aja bikin ginian. Kalo kalian pencet option "Get To Know Me Here" di main page, kalian akan end up di postingan ini. Hihihi.

Random Thoughts #2

Source: BBC Okay. Just like what we predicted before, Ahok finally jailed for two years for blasphemy. I don't live in Jakarta, but what's happening there is really, really, really a big mess. Sending Ahok to jail is like opening an entry door for those who want to make a bigger mess in this country. Why imprison innocent man? This has proven us that we, our country, are really divided into two: rational ones and emotional ones. The radicals and those who are provoked by religion issues screaming "justice" while Ahok is the one who needs it. This is what happens when religion is being used as an excuse for political ambitions. Lots of peoples want him to fall, for lots of reason, and all of them using the same momentum. Now there's nothing we can do except hoping the best for Ahok. God bless you, sir. And Godspeed, everybody..

Random Thoughts

MAS EDI Kemarin malam sebelum makan sama keluarga, tiba-tiba kakak saya cerita kalau mbak seseorang yang saya kurang tahu namanya, meninggal dunia. Pas denger saya langsung bilang “Kasian...”, dan seketika saya bisa merasakan semua otot-otot di badan saya ikutan sedih. Ini gak lebay, karena memang sesedih itu. Mbak yang saya gak tau namanya ini adalah istri dari mas Edi. Mas Edi adalah seorang karyawan di kantor kakak saya, tapi saya juga kurang tahu jelas mas Edi kerja sebagai apa. yang jelas, bukan pekerjaan di belakang meja. Kalau gak salah sih mas Edi adalah driver di bagian antar barang. Saya gak kenal mas Edi secara pribadi, tapi sudah pernah ketemu di beberapa kesempatan. Misalnya pas saya lagi jemput kakak di kantor, dan kebetulan lagi waktunya gajian. Saya biasanya ngeliat mas Edi lagi ngantri buat ambil gaji. Orangnya kurus, berkumis, rambutnya gondrong dan keriting—yang membuat dia dijuluki Edi Brokoli. Juga baik, santun, humoris, ramah, walaupun harus diakui bah...

Well well well

Hello! This is actually not my very first blog because I've already create some blogs before. If we're friends since--if I'm not mistaken--2010, then maybe you've already read some of my writings on my old blog.  My first blog is, I created it in 2010 and I ended up not remembering the password. Then I created a new one:, but weeks after it... I forgot the password. Again. You won't find them anywhere because I finally could log in to those blogs and successfully deleted them last month. 😈  PS: Beside those two, I still have one more blog that I couldn't access and it means all of my grown-up-teen-embarrassing posts will remain there forever. So I won't tell you the address. HAHA I don't create blog because I think I'm a good writer, I create it because I love to write. I joined Journalism club at school in 2010 and started writing since then. In the same year, my teacher asked me to join ...